The Yellow House ("PGC Presents" Title)
The Yellow House is a part of the "PGC Presents" line, a curated selection of games that are harder to find, recommended by us, or are the releases of a fellow independent publishing company or designers that we respect. "PGC Presents" is a project to help boost the signal of other creators that we love to support and think others might as well. PGC Presents releases are not guaranteed to have English rules.
The Yellow House is a release from South Korean Publisher, Mandoo Games. Portland Game Collective has nothing to do with the release or production of this game. We stock this game in an effort to help a fellow indie game company, Mandoo Games, get their releases to a wider audience.
The Yellow House is a Climbing/Shedding game for 2 players, designed by Geonil (Ptolemy, Hipparchus, Phantom of the Opera, Jekyll Vs Hyde). Once again, Mandoo Games has outdone themselves with the beautiful production treatment of this game!
Description from BGG:
In The Yellow House, inspired by artists like Van Gogh and Gauguin, you’ll engage in debates about which elements are most crucial in the arts. Your goal is to empty your hand during these debates. On your turn, you can either play a card to make a claim, or strengthen your arguments by discarding cards if the topic you bring forth is not stronger! With cunning, you’ll be able to say the final word and win the debate of the century!