Haggis PGC-003 (Preorder/Late Backer)

  • Haggis PGC-003 (Preorder/Late Backer)
  • Haggis PGC-003 (Preorder/Late Backer)
  • Haggis PGC-003 (Preorder/Late Backer)

**The beloved climbing game by designer Sean Ross was successfully crowdfunded and is now available for preorder. This is estimated to ship in May 2024.

We have extended our crowdfunding discount through the fulfillment of Haggis and TRICKTAKERs.

Please note that if your order includes any in-stock items, your order will not ship until all preorder items have been received.**


Haggis has returned!

Our reimagined version includes an increased player count of 2-4 players, Neeps & Tatties variants, and a new scoring option, all designed and approved by Sean Ross.

Haggis is played over several rounds where each player tries to score the most points by being the first to play all of the cards from their hand. Over the course of the round players will try to win cards played to tricks and (if confident enough) make and win bets that they will be the first player at the table to play all of their cards.

A portion of the proceeds go to charity. The associated nonprofit for Haggis is the Children’s Healing Art Project (CHAP). To learn more or help support their mission, please go to chappdx.org.

Ages 13+
2 - 4 Players
45 Minutes